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Multiple file uploading in Silverlight


In this article I am going to explain how we can upload multiple files in Silverlight 3.0 using OpenFileDialog class

Click here to download the article

Open VS 2008 and create a new Xaml file called MultiFileUploader.xaml. Copy paste the below markup.

<Canvas Width=”640″>

<TextBlock Canvas.Left=”300″ HorizontalAlignment=”Center” Canvas.Top=”150″ x:Name=”txtProgress”  Foreground=”Green” Width=”120″/>

<Button Canvas.Left=”300″ HorizontalAlignment=”Center” Canvas.Top=”180″ Click=”FileUpload_Click” Width=”100″ Height=”25″ Content=”Select Files”/>


In above Xaml I have placed two controls ie Button and Textbox.  Button control for selecting files and Texbox control,
shows the total file count which is uploaded in the server.

Code behind for MultiFileUploader.xaml.cs

int totalFilesToUpload = 0;
int totalFilesUploaded = 0;

private void FileUpload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
 this.txtProgress.Text = string.Empty;

 OpenFileDialog oFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
 oFileDialog.Filter = "All Image Files ( JPEG,GIF,BMP,PNG)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.png|JPEG Files ( *.jpg;*.jpeg )|*.jpg;*.jpeg|GIF Files ( *.gif )|*.gif|BMP Files ( *.bmp )|*.bmp|PNG Files ( *.png )|*.png";
 oFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
 oFileDialog.Multiselect = true;

 string data = string.Empty;

 if (oFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
 foreach (var file in oFileDialog.Files)
 using (System.IO.Stream fileStream = GetFileData(file.OpenRead()))
 StreamResourceInfo oStreamResource = new StreamResourceInfo(fileStream, null);

 byte[] array = new byte[oStreamResource.Stream.Length];

 oStreamResource.Stream.Read(array, 0, (int)oStreamResource.Stream.Length);

 data = Convert.ToBase64String(array);

 WebClient oWebClient = new WebClient();

 string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + file.Extension;

 oWebClient.UploadStringAsync(new Uri("http://localhost:50848/FileUpload.ashx?file=" + fileName), null, data, fileName);

 oWebClient.UploadProgressChanged += new UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(oWebClient_UploadtxtProgressChanged);

 totalFilesToUpload += 1;

 data = string.Empty;


 System.IO.MemoryStream GetFileData(System.IO.Stream oFileStream)
 oFileStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
 byte[] data = new byte[oFileStream.Length];
 oFileStream.Read(data, 0, (int)oFileStream.Length);
 return new System.IO.MemoryStream(data);

 void oWebClient_UploadtxtProgressChanged(object sender, UploadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
 totalFilesUploaded += 1;

 txtProgress.Text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtProgress.Text) ? (int.Parse(txtProgress.Text) + e.BytesSent).ToString() : e.BytesSent.ToString();

 if (totalFilesUploaded == totalFilesToUpload)
 txtProgress.Text = totalFilesUploaded + " files uploaded successfully (" +  txtProgress.Text + " bytes sent )";

The next step I am going to create a receiver application which can convert the stream object to image file and save to server. I am creating a GenericHandler  file to achieve this task (You can do it in Aspx page also).

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;

namespace SilverlightApplicationDemo.Web
    public class FileUpload : IHttpHandler

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            var fileName = context.Request["file"];
            string data;
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream))
                data = sr.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] array = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(context.Server.MapPath("~/images/") + fileName, FileMode.Create))
                    fs.Write(array, 0, array.Length);


        public bool IsReusable
                return false;

Note :  I have hard-coded the FileUpload url as (http://localhost:50848/FileUpload.ashx). Don’t forget to replace with your file  upload URL.

Hope this help and If you have any comments, please feel free to write your feedback.

You can download the entire article from here


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